
Winter Season Illness you must prepare your pet for

Winter is one of the busiest seasons of the year as it brings festivities and holidays. However, winter is not all merry and festive for all, especially for our furry companions. With the temperature dropping outside, many pets experience discomfort and sickness. If you have a pet animal at home, you must take special care to keep them away from viral fever and bacterial infections. If you suspect illness in your pets due to cold outside, it’s best to bring them to Virginia Beach animal hospital for medical attention.

This blog has prepared a list of some of the most common winter sickness in pets with their symptoms and treatment.


  1. Hypothermia 

If you have an outdoor kennel for your dog or your pet prefers spending more time outside, they can be susceptible to hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition wherein the body temperature of the pet falls below normal. Besides prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, a history of heart diseases and diabetes makes some pets prone to hypothermia.

Symptoms of hypothermia may vary from pet to pet, depending on their breed and species. However, some of the most common hypothermia signs in pets include weakness, excessive shivering, restlessness, depression, and lethargy.

If your pet doesn’t get immediate care, hypothermia can cause stiffness of muscles, depletion of heart rate, and even loss of sensation. Constantly checking your pet’s body temperature is the best way to determine hypothermia in pets. If your pet’s body temperature is below 95 °F, they may be suffering from hypothermia. In such a case, you must visit Virginia Beach vet hospital for proper care and treatment. Meanwhile, cover your pet with a warm blanket or put a heating pad under their bedding.

  1. Frostbite

If you think that frostbite only happens in humans, you are wrong. Pets also experience frostbite, and it’s as fatal as it is for humans. When the pet’s body becomes too cold, their body starts to maintain a safe body temperature by drawing blood from the center’s extremities. When frostbite occurs in pets, their body starts to form ice crystals in the tissues. If not given timely attention, crystals in the tissues can cause permanent tissue damage.

You can determine frostbite in your pet through signs like shivering, weak pulse, shallow breathing, clumsiness, unconsciousness, lethargy, and weakness.

You can treat frostbite by apply warm water to the affected areas like nose, paws, ears, and tail. Warm water is effective in melting the ice crystals formed in the tissues and restore circulation. Remember not to rub or massage the frostbite areas as it can cause pain and discomfort to your pet. Once your pet is warmed up, take them to the vet for further care.

  1. Flu and Pneumonia

Flu and pneumonia are some of the most common winter sicknesses experienced by humans and animals. If you have a young pet or an elderly furry companion, you must take adequate measures to prevent them from catching the flu and pneumonia.

The flu includes runny nose, cough, blood cough, sneezing, fever, watery eyes, anorexia, and ear infection.

 If you notice your pet is sneezing too often lately, make sure to cover them adequately. At night, wrap them in a warm blanket or put heat pads on their bedding. If the symptoms persist, take them to the vet.